This Study Should Make You Nervous

Does Sugar Make You Dumb? A recent study at Brown University suggests evidence of this. Let see how sugar can hijack your brain!

Brown University Researchers lead by Professor Susan Delamonte demonstrated how the typical American diet (Not keto diet) is filled with processed fats and sugars that altered the rats brains and learning.

So What Are The Effects Of Sugar On The Brain?

Professor Delamonte says the study showed that Alzheimer’s is now diabetes of the brain, linked to insulin levels, which is from excess sugar levels, making some to call Alzheimer’s a Type 3 diabetes. This study proved the negative side effects of sugar, and that sugar is addictive. It also shows that sugars effect the brain and body like drugs.

“The Western diet pattern characterized by a high daily intake of saturated fats and refined carbohydrates often leads to overweight and obesity, which increase the risk of several debilitating and deadly diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.”

So do people on a Keto diet get diabetes and Alzheimer’s? A recent study suggests people with a healthy diet and very little to no sugars are less likely to get diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Diabetes of the Brain

A recent rat study shows that alzheimers is really diabetes of the brain, from a sugar diet that increases sugar levels, which is linked to damages insulin levels and diabetes. The study showed that Alzieherm is diabetes of the brain, linked to insluni levels. As one rat was on a sugar diet and the other was not. Sugar and carbs effects inslun levels directly.

What Are The Effects of Sugar On Rats Brains?

The healthy rat completes the objective in 5.2 seconds. A rat with a 50% sugar diet, similar to many American diets, completed the objective in 36.2 seconds.

The researchers also discovered activity of the brain’s pleasure centers decreased, the rats became less likely to eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet, even when the less palatable healthy food was the only food available to them.

Sugar Response Is Similar To Cocaine and Heroin

“Not only did we find that the animals’ brain reward circuits became less responsive as they continued to overeat and become obese,” said senior author Paul J. Kenny, PhD, of the Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, Fla., “but that decrease in responsiveness was similar to what our laboratory has seen previously in rats as they become addicted to cocaine or heroin. The data suggest that obesity and addiction may result from common neuroadaptations,” he said. Research was supported by Bank of America, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and The Landenberger Foundation.


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